
大津グローバル会議2024開催のお知らせ / Announcement of the Otsu Global Conference 2024


* English version is below.




<大津グローバル会議2024 概要>


  • 講演 (TMI特別顧問 / 前駐オーストラリア特命全権大使 山上信吾
  • スピーチ「Legal market in Hong Kong, Now and future」(C.P. LIN & Co. パートナー弁護士 David Lin)
  • TMI海外拠点のアピールポイント紹介(16か国)


  • グローバル法務DD模擬キックオフミーティング(日本語/英語)


On May 24, we held the Otsu Global Conference 2024 at the Otsu Prince Hotel.

TMI currently has six domestic offices and 17 overseas offices (including local desks) and has regularly organized events to promote exchanges among legal professionals internationally.

This year's Global Conference was attended by a total of 267 participants and included discussions on the know-how of each jurisdiction and overview reports from each office, so that participants could understand the specialties of each overseas office and share practical wisdom on global matters.

Outline of the Otsu Global Conference 2024

Part 1

  1. Keynote speech by Shingo Yamagami, special advisor
  2. Speech on “Legal market in Hong Kong, Now and future” by Mr. David Lin, a partner of C.P. LIN & Co.
  3. Introductions of TMI's overseas offices’ specializations

Part 2

Global Legal DD Mock Kick-off Meeting (Japanese / English)

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