Japan Patent & Trademark Update Issue19
1. Protection of a Brand Name Consisting of the Designer's Name (Nao Kobayashi)
When a fashion designer uses his or her own name as a brand name, it is extremely challenging to register such brand name as a trademark in today’s Japan. The Trademark Act lists “a trademark that contains the portrait of another person, or ... Read more >>>
2. Handling of Applications with Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an Inventor (Noriko Kuge)
On July 30, 2021, a notice entitled "Regarding the Indication of Inventors" was posted on the Japan Patent Office (“JPO”) website. In this notice, the JPO has stated that "The indication of inventors is considered to be limited to natural persons, and ...Read more >>>
3. Examples of Design Registrations under the Revised Design Act in Japan - Part 1- (Miwa Hayashi, Koji Akanegakubo)
One-and-a-half years have passed since the revised Design Act (the “Revised Act”) came into effect. Many applications for subject matter newly protected by the Revised Act (GUIs, buildings, and interior designs) have been registered. In this article, we introduce ... Read more >>>
4. Update to the Doctrine of Equivalents in Japan (Naoko Tsujo)
This article provides a general overview of the history of judicial decisions with respect to infringement under the Doctrine of Equivalents (“DOE”) in Japan and introduces recent practical operations thereof in lower courts. ... Read more >>>
5. About TMI
Since our establishment on October 1, 1990, TMI Associates has grown rapidly to become a full-service law firm that offers valuable and comprehensive legal services ... Read more >>>