【TMI Podcast】#3: Recent Amendments to the Patent Law in Japan – reinstatement of rights
We have released a new episode of our Podcast channel “TMI Podcast - Intellectual Property in Japan.”
This episode is part of our recent series on the amendments to the Patent Law and focuses on various aspects of recent law revisions from the viewpoint of Japanese agents.
In this episode, Ms. Mayo Komiyama, a patent attorney at TMI, talks about one of the key advantages of these amendments for patent applicants; namely, the relaxation of the requirements for reinstatement of rights (e.g., priority claims, requests for examination, and patent rights) in Japan.
In particular, she explains that the Japanese restoration system has changed from the “Due Care Standard” to the “Unintentional Standard.”
<#3: Recent Amendments to the Patent Law in Japan – Reinstatement of Rights>
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