「Japan Patent & Trademark Update Issue 4」
1. Revision of the Examination Guidelines for Food Product Inventions with Limitations on Use (Tadashi Takeuchi)
The Japan Patent Office (JPO) revised the Examination Guidelines as of April 1, 2016, to have a "use invention" for food patentable. This article will give you a brief summary of the revision. ... Read more >>>
2. The JPO’s Recent Revision to the Japanese Design Examination Guidelines for Graphic Designs (Koji Akanegakubo)
The recent revision to the Japanese Design Examination Guidelines for graphic designs has led to a wider scope of GUI designs becoming registrable. ... Read more >>>
3. Trademark Overview 2015 - Court Decisions in Japan (Gen Yamaguchi)
When you plan to file a trade-mark related lawsuit in Japan, the court decision trends outlined below should be considered. The number of trademark-related court decisions in 2015 was ... Read more >>>
4. Enhancement of Relief Measures for Prosecution in Japan (Tomonori Tanaka)
There might be relief measures to help you in the event that you inadvertently miss a certain deadline defined in the Japanese Patent Act. The Japanese Patent Act has been revised to ... Read more >>>
5. About TMI
Since our establishment on October 1, 1990, TMI Associates has grown rapidly to become a full-service law firm that offers valuable and comprehensive legal services ... Read more >>>