Japan Patent & Trademark Update Issue22
1. Important IP High Court Decision on Infringement of Program Patents by Transmission from Foreign Countries (Yoshiyuki Takanashi)
In recent times, companies have often begun to provide their customers with computer programs through the Internet. These companies transmit their computer programs from a server to their customers’ computers. However, ... Read more >>>
2. Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act & Plant Variety Protection System (Natsuko Toyama)
The Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act (“PVP Act”) provides for a plant variety protection (“PVP”) system with the aim of contributing to the development of agriculture by promoting the breeding of varieties. The PVP Act was significantly amended ...Read more >>>
3. Examples of Design Registrations under the Revised Design Act in Japan -Part 4-: Buildings (Miwa Hayashi, Koji Akanegakubo and Koji Miyake)
Almost two-and-a-half years have now passed since the revised Design Act (the “Revised Act”) came into effect, and many applications for subject matter newly protected by the Revised Act have been registered, such as GUIs, buildings, and interior, ... Read more >>>
4. Consumer Survey to Prove Acquired Distinctiveness for Color Marks (Haruka Iida)
In recent times, an increasing number of trademark applications have been submitted together with customer surveys as evidence to prove the acquired distinctiveness of the mark in question, not only in court cases but also, ... Read more >>>
5. About TMI
Since our establishment on October 1, 1990, TMI Associates has grown rapidly to become a full-service law firm that offers valuable and comprehensive legal services ... Read more >>>